Thursday, May 29, 2008

Angelic Healing Circle - May 29, 2008

The Angel's Message:

See the gifts and enjoy the everyday experiences
as you walk down your road of life.

On May 29, the angels guided us on a walk to help us learn patience in living our lives and allowing all experiences to be a joy. For they shared: "We remember the highlights of our life. We await the new highlight or major experience and speedily walk through the everyday experiences as if they were insignigicant. Too often the experiences that make up the journey are missed and the outcome becomes too over important. The destination on a trip becomes more important than the ride there."

Heart & Soul Healing Arts Center
Pasadena, CA
(626) 798-8337

Angelic Healing Circle - May 15, 2008

The Angel’s Message:

You are now free to open your heart,
share your light, and gather your flowers.

On May 15th, the angels helped us to rid our 'inner garden' of the old dead bushes and wood that represented our old ideas and emotions that have kept us from growing and then helped us plant new seeds, shower them with our love, to create our future dreams.

Heart & Soul Angelic Healing Circle
Pasadena, CA
(626) 798-8337

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Angelic Healing Circle - May 1, 2008

Happy May Day!!!

The message from the Angels for today's Angelic Healing Circle at Heart & Soul Healing Arts Center in Pasadena, CA was:

Make a little shift, a simple change and
HEAR our message of LOVE.

The angels guided us to a wonderful park-like setting and allowed us to share our concerns and our dreams with them. They asked us to STOP and REALLY LISTEN. To allow ourselves to hear the messages they wanted to share to each of us.

For often they said, we "don't see that by simply shifting a thought or an action [we] can create an outcome that is easier, smoother and totally in line with the Divine flow of life."

For more information about our Angel Circles call (626) 798-8337.